Oh! See Spots Go!


And this LATEST volume, (number 3 in my popular "Spots" series) is absolutely PACKED with over 1 hour of top quality vintage commercials, (112 in all) compiled directly from film! In fact, on "Run, Spots, Run!" you'll see many old friends and familiar faces you may not have seen, (or even thought about) for many years! Click on the box to the right to see a fabulous slideshow of stills from this collection!

So, sit back in your easy chair in front of that great big RCA color console and watch Bugs Bunny make friends with Kool-Aid (and Kool-Aid with friends), Johnny Mann arranges a Bicentennial trip across America on Greyhound, Donny Most appears, (pre-"Happy Days" and Ralph Malph) in a spot for Parker Pens, Joe DiMaggio gets a JOLT from Mr. Coffee, Florence Henderson gives motherly advice about Tang while Lassie's mother, June Lockhart, serves up a mess of meaty Gravy Train. Then, Olympic Gold Metal winner, (but don't be looking for that ACADEMY Award) Bruce Jenner scores big with Wheaties, The M & M Candies man cavorts, playfully, with children though the streets of San Francisco, (Hmmm....). And don't forget the beloved Sarah Tucker (Marge Redmond), who left the Convent San Tanco and Sister Bertrille in Puerto Rico to dish up the Cool Whip to yuppie guests, throughout the 1970s, at Tucker Inn! Why, even Pippi Longstocking makes an appearance, though the strange lip-sync is her own and not a problem with the transfer.

Also making appearances are familiar products that have stood the test of time such as [two, 2, too mints in one] Certs, Jiff Peanut Butter, fluffy Wonder Bread, engaging Twist-O-Flex watch bands, Dial soap & deodorant (Aren't you glad you use dial?), Tide, Ajax with ammonia vapors, Halls "Vapor Action", a new (and revolutionary) product called Pampers, Baggies original bags, Maxwell House instant coffee, Post Plumper Raisin Bran, Three Musketeers, Milky Way and Snickers Bars, Dry and Clear (no zits up here), Eye-Opening Coast soap, and New Bounce.

And, lest we forget, those more obscure, ephemeral offerings that have gone by the wayside such as Happy Face Washing Cream, which was washed into oblivion by the late 60s. And how about the "Forever Yours" Candy bar, a product that lasted, shall we say, slightly less than forever. Then there was Bonus detergent, with the towel in the box. I guess they couldn't fit enough powder in that box to wash even the bath towel that filled it. There were even products designed to compete with restaurant meals like Taco Real, (tacos you slave away to make at home) and Steak House Frozen Steak Dinners, (I don't think Ruth Chris has anything to worry about). The list goes on, just like the products, into the sunset.

Animation is also well represented with wonderful, colorful ads for The Magic Cow, Gleem Toothpaste, Bubblicous Bubble Gum (The Ultimate Bubble and others), Flair Pens,Sunkist Oranges (with Ralph the dragon), and even classic spots for Hostess Snack Cakes starring Captain Cupcake, King Ding Dong, Twinkie The Kid and Fruit Pie the Magician.

You'll thrill to the styles of the times as you check out the hair and the clothing and the looks that will drive you MOD, not to mention the myriads of funny faces that were created and photographed simply to entertain and, of course, sell, sell, SELL!

Yes, this collection is quite diverse and very unique. And these commercials are absolutely top quality, straight from film and right off the digital master. From there, your copy is transferred onto a Beautiful DVD complete with full color labeling in a stylish C-Shell case or onto Quality VHS tape with a full sleeve collectors case. As in Volume 1 ("Seein' Spots Before Your Eyes") and Volume 2 ("See Spots Run!") of the popular "Spots" series (both available for sale on the Sales page) , the commercials on this volume are all very pleasing in color and clarity with great sound and picture, too.

And remember, there are a LOT of Commercials Tapes and DVDs out there on the market these days and many of them are of poor tape to tape quality, some even featuring duped and recycled material from older collections. Always look for the Spots and the ChuckleButt Productions logo in the corner of the frame. If you see the logo but you didn't get it from me, you got duped!

This Wonderful Offering on VHS or DVD Can Be Yours For Only



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